21 Marketing
The 21 Difference
Clients & Properties
Case Studies
21 Leadership
21 works at the highest levels of corporations and properties, leveraging our broad relationships at the biggest sporting events in the world to provide customized solutions to our clients.
Clients & Properties
Case Studies
21 Sales Side Services
Strategic Property Evaluation
Marketing Platform Development
Structure of Rights/Benefits packages
Comprehensive Valuation via the 21 Empirical Solution
Prospecting of Strategic Targets
Development of best-in-class presentations
Negotiation of Media Values/Contracts
21 Consulting Services
Defines key brand, revenue, and internal objectives for the corporate partner.
Identifies key properties that match objectives and develops actionable marketing platforms that align corporate and property equities.
Develops brand positioning analysis
Measures how the equity of a property can provide quantifiable results for brands against key objectives.
Manages back-end implementation that connects on-the-ground activation with overall strategic objectives.
Defines how much of a company's marketing mix should be allocated to sponsorship and activation.
Best practices regarding compilation of the project team, including talent recommendations.
ROI/ROO measurement against objectives.
Manages relationships at the highest levels to maximize partnership marketing.
Negotiates Contracts